Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ready for Fall

Well, we really didn't do anything for Halloween. Alex is still a little to young to understand, and he really doesn't need the candy! But this last week Jeff and I tackled two big projects. First, we moved all the furniture out of the living room and shampooed the carpet. It had been two years since we last did it, and boy was it ready. Second, we got a window insulation kit to install on all the windows. Last winter our heating bills were ridiculously high. Most of our windows are old and aren't insulated well, so hopefully this will help.

Jeff is burning the candle at both ends with all he does. Some days Alex and I don't see him much. He is working two part time jobs and going to school. Luckily school this semester is much easier this time. One is Spanish 101, and Jeff is fluent in Spanish from his Spanish speaking mission, and the other class only meets once a week. As far as working, he is still working at the airport. But this new part time job takes up a lot of his time. The plus side is he is getting school credit for it. He works for Kids at Heart 5-6 days a week. What he does is transport foster children from the foster home, to go visit their real parents. Most visits he has to observe and write every thing down that's going on. The reason this job takes up so much time: the visits are usually a 2-3 hour visit, but since he transports the child(ren) he's gone for an extra hour or two. Then when he is home is has a lot of paper work. He has to write down all the mileage info (he get's paid so much cents per mile!) and sometimes has to re-write the reports.

Aside from the jobs he gets money from and the school he's putting money into, Jeff is the Scout Master in our ward. Some Sunday's he has various meetings, and Wednesday nights are spent at the Church for mutual. Also one weekend a month he takes the boys camping.

My days are mostly filled with playing with and taking care of Alex. He is really good natured and plays well by himself, so he doesn't need my constant attention. That way I can get other things done. I've been filling a lot of my extra time with my crafts. I got a Cricut Expressions machine earlier, and I recently bought the Sure Cuts A Lot program, which allows the Cricut to cut any font or dingbat that is on my computer! I have been using it so much recently, and making a bunch of cards for my card swap that I go to once a month. I'll be posting my projects later on my other blog, Kelli's Krafts. But my favorite has got to be the vinyl decals I made for mine and Jeff's car. Take a look!


Shelli said...

Cute Kelli! Love the lettering on your car!!! Sounds like you guys are busy. Hope we see you soon!

Patricia said...

So talented! i didn't know you did those - I thought you guys bought those somewhere. They look great.

Mina said...

I totally dig the lettering on your car! And I know what you mean about being super busy with school/work/kidlet and all that! We're doing the same thing. Crazy! It's awesome that you have time for crafts though