Sunday, August 8, 2010

Summer Fun

It's been a while since I posted. This summer has been fun so far. Jeff took the summer off from school and at first took on more hours of work. But he was started to get burned out, so he's down to just one part time job instead of two. He offered to quit Kids at Heart when they did a budget cut and were planning on laying off some employees. He was planning on quitting in the fall when school started up again anyways. But since he was one of the few guys and few Spanish speaking employees, they're keeping him on call in case someone else can't work. So now, if he has any visits at all, he only does a visit once a week.

Alex has been slowly growing taller, and loving all the summer water activities. Yesterday we went to the Playground of Dreams for his cousin Ethan's birthday party. It was the first time we'd taken Alex there, and he fell in love with the water fountains!

My pregnancy has been going okay. This one has been totally different. With Alex I was never sick, plus most of it was during the winter months. This time, I was sick the whole first trimester. And the summer heat has kept me indoors a lot. I've been a little anemic, which hasn't helped when Alex wears me out enough. I had an ultrasound at 20 something weeks, and we found out then that we're expecting a girl! At that time the tech wasn't able to get a good image of her kidneys or face. So about 2 weeks ago we went in again. She still wouldn't show her face. So Jeff and I have been joking saying she's either really shy or really stubborn! Hopefully if my doctor sends me back again they'll be able to see her face from the angle they want.

At first I wasn't going to have a baby shower, since I've already received a ton of clothes from family and friends in my ward. But my sisters and visiting teachers have all been asking about doing one, so I decided we're going to have one after she's born. I thought it would be fun that way so everyone can enjoy the new baby! I'll let everybody know when it is once it's decided.

Alex with a sparkler on July 4thAlex moved when I took the picture. I thought the effect was kinda cool!

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