Friday, October 1, 2010

Our Family is Growing!

Ashlin Sariah Larson
Born Monday, September 6th (Labor Day)
at 12:20 pm
Weighed 6lbs 3oz
19 inches long

Now that its been almost a month, I guess I'll update my blog with Ashlin's birth story!
Monday morning, Sept. 6th, about 2am: Jeff's alarm goes off for him to get up and get ready for work (he has to be at the Airport at 3:30am). I decided to get up to use the bathroom since baby was pushing on my bladder. After going, I crawl back into bed and feel a little gush. I knew something was going on, but wasn't sure if my water broke. With Alex it started with contractions and the doctor had to break my water. So since I wasn't cramping at all, I wasn't sure. I told Jeff what was going on and was on my second pad by the time he left for work. I reassured him I was fine and would call him at work if anything changed.

After going through another pad I called the hospital to ask a nurse her opinion. Since I hadn't been checked yet for GBS (group b strep), which was supposed to happen the next day, the said to come in and would check if it was amniotic fluid. I called Jeff, but he couldn't leave work. Then I called my Mom, bless her, and she came to stay with Alex since he was asleep. I got to the hospital a little before 5am. After confirming my water had broke, they got me into a room and started the I.V. and penicillin for the GBS. I called Jeff, told him what was going on and that he didn't need to rush or worry.

Since it was Labor Day, my doctor (Dr. Schroff) was on vacation. So Dr. Salisberry was on call for him. He came in and we talked about what I wanted to do for pain. I said I wanted an epidural, and because of that he suggested I take petocin to speed up the process. It was a little after 6am at this point, and I was 2 cm dilated. A couple hours later at 3 and a half cm, I asked about starting the epidural since the petocin was make the contractions come every 2 to 4 minutes. Once the epidural was done, Jeff and my dad gave me a blessing for a safe delivery. Once the epidural took full effect, the nurse checked and said I was already dilated 8 cm! At that point Jeff said he and Dad were going to the cafeteria to get lunch since I might not have much more time. By the time Jeff came back I was fully dilated!

Once the doctor came in I pushed for 15-20 minutes or so before he decided I needed an episiotomy. After that she came the next time I had to push. Once she was out and I saw her I cried a bit, overcome with emotion.

Ashlin and I came home Wednesday, but didn't bring Alex home till Thursday because while I was at the hospital he got croup. This picture below is the first time Alex got to hold her. Such a proud big brother.
Thank you to all the family and friends that have helped us out or given us cute gifts. We love you all and are loving our small but growing family. I'll be sure to post again after we give Ashlin her baby blessing. I'm hoping to get better family pictures then.

It's late, I'm tired, so good night!


Patricia said...

Thanks for the whole story. She is so cute - I wish we lived closer so I could just snuggle with her and Alex. Hope you guys are doing OK.

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

Oh cangrats on the new babe. I'm glad all went well and thank heavens for pain meds. She is a doll and your family is so cute.

The Stevens: said...

So sweet! (Ashlin is beautiful, the picture of Alex holding her is just precious:) I love reading delivery stories, glad yours went smoothly:)